財団法人ニューテクノロジー振興財団 NTF -New Technology Foundation-

Micromouse 2011

マイクロマウス2010 how to entry
2011rules Micromouse Half-size
Micromouse Classic

contact us

The 32th All Japan Micromouse Contest

■Dates: November 18(Fri)~20(sun), 2011
■Location: Tsukuba Capio 
〒305-0032 1-10-1 Takezono Tukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 
TEL 029(851)2886   


November 18 (Fri)  
□Trial runs for every contestant.

November 19 (Sat)
□Classic Micromouse Contest Freshman class (Final)

□Classic Micromouse Contest Expert class (Preliminary)

□Robotrace Contest (Preliminary)

□Half-size Micromouse Contest (Preminary)

November 20 (Sun)
□Robotrace Contest (Final)

□Microclipper Contest (Final)
We judged that Microclipper have achived the intention of the Original,
so this contest will be the last. Please understand beforehand

□Classic Micromouse Contest Expert class (Final)

□Half-size Micromouse Contest (Final)

●Micromouse Party November 19(Sat)
●Robot Building Workshop for Junior Participants November 20(Sun)
●Robot exhibition and demonstrations are schedule in addition to the above

Micromouse2010 photos


  • "Microclipper" will be the last contest by this year.
  • Application will start at September 1st,2011(Thursday).
Sponsored by :
New Techology Foundation, Tsukuba Citys
National institute of Advenced Indesutrial Science and technolory, Tsukuba Expo'85 Memorial Foundation, Tsukuba City Board of Education, University of Tsukuba
Co-sponsored by :
Mnistry of Education, Economy, Culture, Sports, Science and Tecnology (MEXT), etc. (scheduled)
Special cooperation : Bandai Namco Group
Cooperation : Tsukuba, Ibaraki Central Police